Desktop Support Technician
Mac and Windows experience.
Based in Bristol, UK
Seeks employment in South West UK
"David has a excellent work ethic accompanying a vast technical knowledge, a warm and friendly personality and a really great guy."
"I first met David socially many years ago and in the intervening years have dealt with him professionally. He is one of life’s decent fellows who is keen to get an IT solution sorted and for a luddite like me explain the options and cost/ benefits in an uncomplicated manner. Anyone with over 20 years IT experience has grown up within the business, David has experience in various industries along the way which makes him an invaluable resource to have on hand."
"At work David has proved that he is a trust worthy, hard working, conscientious person. He is highly knowledgeable on all things to do with Apple Macintosh devices and software, plus he has an excellent understanding of PCs and the various MS Windows operating systems. He is approachable and friendly and his customer skills are exemplary. In his spare time David is also an accomplished amateur photographer."
"David is very professional and is always extremely helpful and attentive to his customers. He takes great care to understand the needs of each individual and works hard to make sure that they receive the help and support that they need to solve their IT problems. He is a pleasure to work with."